Saturday 11 November 2017

Words between her lines...

There are words she doesn't want you to read
They are buried deep inside her;
It stings and tears her apart
But she doesn't write it down

She doesn't want to be judged for the scream of her heart
There are stories between her lines...

There are words  that keep her caged;
that keep her chained
Like ghosts it haunts her each night 
But she doesn't speak it loud

She doesn't want to be ridiculed for the scars on her face 
There are words between her words...

She caged herself to show you the mirage,
She trampled her sentences till they no longer meant what it meant, 
She imprisoned her words to set you free.

There are words between her words 
There are stories between her pauses
There is a crushed spirit between her smiles

There are words between her lines