Sunday, 30 July 2017

Maybe, Just Maybe

What would it be like,
to never have made a wrong choice?
What would it be like, 
to really feel complete?
What would be like to sincerely say
"It can't get better"?

Maybe, just maybe;
There are no wrong choices
or bad decisions as you call it

Every 'the unforeseen' had to be fought
Every 'I wish' had to be overlooked
Every experience carved a newer you

Maybe, just maybe;
Every storm needed to be
Every 'Yes' was meant to be
Every parting ways had to be 

Maybe,just maybe
With everything you let go,
You lost a little of you
So that, when you finally look up
and see a part of you in the stars
You'd have learnt by then 
To say, 'It can't get better'