Friday, 26 August 2016


Through the road that led to nowhere;
Through the sharp turns and narrow, steep course
I went to the mountain top
to witness...

To witness the wind's sharp breath filling my lungs
and the loud song of wind swishing to every corner 
and carrying me along
Maybe this is what they called 
' freedom from the mountain side'

Nature is what I saw; I remember well!
The tall unending array of trees, 
the silver stream, shades of green
                                    and lashing rain like bullets on the window pane

No, it’s what I heard;
the stillness, chirp of birds, 
and sound of crickets and whisper of offered love

Maybe it’s what I felt;
 the moist, mist and dew drops
And fell in love with it all

I shouted into the emptiness
The little brook, every gathering cloud, 
every sky scraping tree
gently said 'thanks for remembering'
'thanks for reminding' said I

No better poetry then nature
No better bliss than losing yourself in its abundance
