Saturday, 13 February 2016

Just Introvert's Things

When it’s a meet up or a party I constantly bombard against someone who has a hundred questions for me and my mind voice, “Again??!!”. My answers are never more than a phrase long. The conversation usually ends with “Why don’t you talk?” To this I do not have a reply. I smile, nod and my answer- only I will hear. If you are an introvert it’s highly probable that you’ve witnessed this day in and day out.

Sometimes I wonder what we’ve made our place to be. Its’ fast and competitive and it’s too quick to prejudice people.  Here, you are perfectly normal if you can have hour long conversation with anybody, have yourself surrounded by a crowd, go loud on social media, hang out whenever a chance, party hard and repeat. We’ll it is not wrong but not my preference

Why aren’t you talking?” It’s because I do not want to share every detail of my life. The whats, whens, whys, hows etcetera. Sometimes, it becomes hard to explain to people that my thoughts are just too complex for them to understand and hence I might as will have it to myself. I’m an introvert and I belong to a different archetype and it’s not well understood by others. I still embrace the philosophy of living life once. In a world where extroverts are celebrated, introverts are looked down like we have a chronic sickness. 
On behalf of all introverts, No, we are not shy, we are not insecure, we prefer to be among friends with whom we can have ear-long conversations and share all we want to. We do not force ourselves to be introverts in order to spend time effectively or to use the resources efficiently or to get creative and create a dent in the universe. Out of the million options, we choose what interests us which might not be the same as yours. We enjoy going to café and enjoy a book over a coffee, think before we speak, sit under a tree and stare aimlessly, walk in solitude, melody it is for us over metal heavy, rock and bass.

Dear extroverts, we do agree sometimes we’ve wished to be like you but at the end of the day we are happy being us. No, we are not depressed or abnormal or sociopaths and we are not your enemies.